Saturday, August 19, 2006

I can't believe I'm in India . . . and loving it!

OH MY GOSH! What a whirlwind of a trip we have had. It has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but at the same time the most incredible thing I've ever done!

I don't have time to tell you every story and every detail right now - in fact, I can't even wrap my head around what all is going on. But I will say that my eyes have been opened to things I've never even considered or experienced before. Here's some random thoughts:

  • I can't believe how rude we as Americans are when foreigners come to our country. We look at them weird, we say bad things about them because they are dressed differently or have different colored skin. We came to India and I have NEVER, EVER been treated with such kindness and respect. People who have absolutely NOTHING give us everything they have because it is their custom to give hospitality.
  • I have NEVER, EVER been stared at so much! Yesterday on the train we were moving and coming in to a stop and a man glanced at us and looked like he'd seen a ghost. The next thing I know he is running beside the train as fast as he could just to stay by us and stare at us. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!
  • When we went to the villages, most of the people have never seen a white person so we were quite the attraction. What I didn't realize was that the animals would be freaked out by us as well. There was one dog in particular that I thought was literally going to fall over with a heart attack. He went through the village howling and shrieking - announcing our arrival to every one. When we would look over he would fall down and cower. Hilarious!!
  • I had no idea how hard it was going to be after only 3 days to say goodbye to the 3 women we had been living with - Mono, Kamala, and Amora are 3 of the most amazing women I have ever met and I will spend my life to strive to be more like them. I cried a bucket of tears yesterday when we said goodbye and I hope that I will be able to see them again. Just to see them again would be worth traveling to India another time.
I was so worried about getting sick here, but I have felt so good (even with sleeping on the cement floor next to the street). I really believe that all the natural food and spices are working to make me feel great. The only problem I had was the first night in the village my feet and ankles swelled up so bad that I looked like I had flippers. It was really scary - I thought they were going to explode. My friend Julie Smies who was my partner had a heart attack and was very scared for me - she thought I need to get medical help. I just thought it was kind of hilarious looking and was really mad I forgot to get a picture for my blog. Amora rubbed ointment on them and propped my feet up and they were much better in the morning. At breakfast they gave us bananas and I made a comment to Julie that I am used to eating bananas twice a day - that's when the light bulb went on - we think that my body was lacking in potassium, so I have been eating bananas like crazy and my feet are fine.

The fruit here is wonderful and I am loving it. All of the food is natural and fresh and it's really, really good. No wonder I feel so healthy - I told you guys eating natural and organic keeps you healthy!

OK - there's a line waiting for internet so I need to wrap it up. Thank you SO MUCH for your comments - I was so excited and blessed when I read them and it gives me the courage to keep going. I can't wait to see you all and tell you all kinds of stories when I get back!

On Mission for Him,


Anonymous said...

It sounds as if your mission is very exciting and humbling. It is amazing how we perceive life and then truly actually experience it. Our prayers continue for you, your family and your team. I as well as lots of others (it seems) are anxiously waiting our opportunity for you to share, in person, your experience. Take Care and God Bless

Lady Di (lucky Bob's sister-in-law)