Saturday, December 29, 2007

Eco-resolutions for the New Year

Ideas Even a Toe Dipper In the Green Pool Can Deal With

1. I will relinquish my title of Most Likely to Acquire Useless Crap I Don’t Wear or Need.

Admit it — your closet is full of had-to-have items that have been punished to a life of hanging unworn. Your have enough notepads, pens, books, magnets, and collectible tchotchkes to fill a mini storage unit. Yes, our purchases keep the economy going, but most of us buy far more than we need. (There are whole TV shows dedicated to demonstrating ways to unclutter!) Remember that packaging, waste, and pollution are created to make these items available to you. If you trash those once-new goodies when you’re no longer interested in them, they will live in a landfill for years and years. It’s time to clean out, and stop the crap collecting.

2. I will avenge my phantom load.

Phantom load has nothing to do with the pounds that mysteriously appeared on your midsection over the holidays. The term refers to the energy wasted by electronics and power chargers when they are plugged in but not in use. That’s right — your computer cord, cell phone charger, and time-telling DVD player are all sucking energy from the outlet even when there isn’t anything attached or being watched (hence the spooky phantom-ness). Actually cut the power to your electronics by plugging them in to a power strip and flipping the switch to off when you’re not watching or listening.

3. I will be smarter than bottled water companies and drink for free what they are trying to sell me.

Kicking the plastic water bottle habit might sound like an impossible feat if you’re as addicted as the average thirsty American; last year we consumed about 50 billion plastic water bottles. If the fact that plastic is bad for the environment doesn’t get you to quit, just think: Several bottled water brands use the same H20 that’s available from your faucet. So buy an eco-chic reusable stainless steel bottle, and refill it throughout the day — for free. If you’re parched at the mere thought of quitting cold turkey, ease into a plastic-bottle–free life by bringing one less bottle a week to the gym, or by giving them up at the office.

4. If I can remember to TiVo “Dancing with the Stars,” I can remember to bring my own bags to the grocery store.

It’s as if plastic shopping bags are required to exit a store—the disposable sacks are forced on customers even when the purchase is just a can of soda. But plastic bags are made from petroleum and only about 1 percent of the estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion Annie Bell plastic bags consumed worldwide are recycled each year. Most end up in landfills (where they take perhaps 1000 years to decompose) or in the sea. If you start bringing your own bags now, you’ll be ahead of the curve if plastic ones become outlawed in your community.

5. I will switch to recycled paper products at home (but not if they make me chafe).

We know there are some folks out there who must have two-ply, but even you can commit to changing just one thing. If you have a Larry David-like aversion to recycled toilet paper, try the paper towels. If brown won’t match your kitchen colors, look for recycled paper towels that are whitened without chlorine or stick with washable dishcloths. By purchasing recycled paper products you’re preventing trees from being chopped down, and paper waste from ending up in landfills. In addition, less energy and water is required to produce a recycled paper product.

6. I will consider whether my meal came from the farm or the factory.

Big agriculture isn’t all bad. Everyone has a guilty culinary pleasure that comes from a big factory (see: Oreos, and Cap’n Crunch). But while you’re worrying about your own carbon footprint, remember that your food has one too. Think of how many miles your food has traveled (do you really need berries from Chile?), how many chemicals are used, and how much pollution and waste have been generated in the production of your foodstuffs. Support local agriculture by shopping for food at a farmers market. The goods will be fresh, and you might enjoy meeting some of the people who grew your dinner.

7. I will take a day off from road rage and take mass transit or car-pool one day a week.

If you have public transportation options available to you, try switching to the train or bus one day a week. According to the American Public Transportation Association, public transportation use saves 1.4 billion gallons of gasoline each year, and can reduce household expenses by $6,200. Plus you’ll get a day off from road rage. If you don’t live near public transportation, try organizing a once-a-week carpool with your neighbors or coworkers. You’ll save on fuel, tolls, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by removing cars from the road. As a bonus, you’ll gain access to that exclusive carpool lane.

SOURCE: The Daily Green

Monday, December 24, 2007

The first time that you opened your eyes
Did you realize that you would be my savior?
The first breath that left your lips
did you know that you would change this world forever?

I celebrate the day
that you were born to die
so I could one day pray
for you to save my life!

Happy Birthday Jesus

Thank you for coming to earth to show us how to live and love.

Your sacrifice has changed my life and I will love you forever!

My prayer for Christmas - please watch this

This video reflects my heart this Christmas. If we all pulled together, we could make a HUGE difference right here in our own community!

Want to know what you can do to help - go t0 "The Bridge"

The BEST Christmas movie EVER!

Just in case you didn't get a chance to watch it this year, here's a great montage of the bestest clips from the bestest Christmas movie EVER - Christmas Vacation - watch and enjoy! It just wouldn't be Christmas with out it!

Which part is your favorite?


#1 - The squirrel scene
#2 - The sledding scene
#3 - Uncle & tree on fire

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Now this is my idea of Christmas!!

This morning Trent, Cody and I went down to The Bridge to help with their Secret Santa day where kids could come "shop" for their parents. My friends Merri, Aaron, Linda, Jean Anne and her husband David and son Walker were all there to serve to.

I got to wrap the presents for them and Trent and Cody served coffee and hot chocolate to the parents while they waited. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I don't even need any Christmas presents, because that's what Christmas is to me.

Check out the news story here - Melody and Shaun were adorable - I got to wrap all of their presents for them and their brother Robert. I hope their family has a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fear Factor at youth group

Here's a video I made from our special event "Waypoint Fear Factor" a couple of weeks ago - check it out!

Computer Crash!

Well, I've known it was coming, but I didn't expect it to be on my new laptop - I thought it would be on the old Dell desktop that we've had for awhile.

A couple of weeks ago I had a prompting to back up my stuff on my laptop (stuff being MY LIFE - 2 years of studies, all of my workshops, future ideas and brainstorms, 3 years of pictures, my calendar and lots of other stuff). I went right out and bought an external hard drive and hooked it up the next day. The problem is that I am a dummy when it comes to stuff like that (I'd much rather work with people than technology) and I did not get my files moved to the hard drive.

4 days later I'm working away and my computer had a fit and just died on me - it was a sad, sad day. Right now it's at a document recovery place and I'm going to be paying them BIG BUCKS to hopefully retrieve the data.

Let this be a lesson to you - Back your stuff up now!

Ouch - I have a broken finger . . .

The embarrassing thing is that I broke it awhile ago and ignored it hoping it would get better . . . it didn't.

When I went to Dr. Oppman he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who said that it was too complicated for him and I had to go to a hand specialist.

After talking to the hand specialist the surgeon decided to try splinting it for 8 weeks - fun. If that doesn't work, which I really don't have much confidence that it will seeing that the tendon has completely come off the to knuckle, I have to have surgery. YIKES!

How did I do it you're wondering? Well, I can officially say that I have a football injury now.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My friend Judy

So today and every day, I will choose to allow difficult situations, even ones as difficult as this, to make me better.

In particular, I choose to try to love better – love Jesus better and love people better – everyday . . . Judy Gregory

A couple of days ago my good friend Judy had to speak at a funeral . . . her Dad's funeral. I have no idea how she was able to do it, except that she is a person of great strength and courage. What she had to say, especially under the circumstances of his death will be forever etched upon my heart.

Judy, you have had a HUGE impact on my life. Thank you for your leadership, your teaching, your example, and your friendship.

If you want to be inspired today - click here and read the entire message