Monday, September 26, 2005

Lifeline 9/25 - The Revolution Continues . . .

Last night was my first Lifeline of the semester and it was so GREAT being back with my students. I love them so much and missed them this summer! For any of you reading that don't know what Lifeline is, it is our high school youth ministry at Granger Community Church, where I'm on staff. My job working with high schoolers is very hard (sarcasm) - I get to hang out with students whenever I want, go to Mexico with them, take them to fun stuff like water parks and Great America, go to concerts, be a part of their lives in good times and bad, and I get to work with an incredibly talented, funny and CRAZY guy named Corey Mann, PLUS (bonus) work at one of the greatest churches in the world! Yeah - I know you want my job, but you can't have it!

Anyway, we had about 180 kids there last night - lots of faces I know and love, but lots of new faces too, which is awesome. The band ROCKED and worship was fantastic. It's going to be an incredible year and I can't wait to see what God does in this thing we're living called The Revolution.


Lindsay Mak said...

Don't you hate blog spam? I do! Sorry I wasn't at Lifeline this week. I had the flu... and still do. :(