Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cody's first broken bone

It's official, Cody has his first broken bone. We made it 12 years without him breaking a bone or needing stitches - I knew that darn skateboard was going to ruin our record! When I was on my way home from Colorado I called and Cody told me he wiped out pretty hard on his skateboard and hurt his foot real bad. I asked him what his Dad said about it, whether he needed to go to the doctor or not and Dad said "if you can walk on it, it's not broke".

So Monday morning comes and I was looking forward to a day of unpacking, relaxing and watching some inspiring movies (no, not Joe Dirt this time). I wake Cody up and he comes hopping down his stairs and says his foot is really hurt. After making sure that he wasn't just trying to get out of school I called the doctor and made and appointment. Well, 4 hours later we came home with crutches, a surgical shoe to protect the foot, and a $392 bill. The break isn't bad - it's in his "pinky toe" bone, so it didn't need to be put in a cast.

So now he has a helper at school to carry his books, he has extra time to get to class, he's getting lots of attention from the girls, and Mom and Dad are doing most of his chores - other than not being able to skate, I don't think he minds having a broken foot!