Saturday, March 18, 2006

Heart 2 Heart

We started a new girl's group at Lifeline last week called "Heart 2 Heart" and I'm so excited about it. My friends Colleen Sweeney and Stephanie Weber are helping me lead it and a bunch of my other awesome female leaders are helping too.

It is a 7 week journey through "Captivating" along with a really cool journal the girls fill out to help them learn more about themselves. It's not a book study - I give them an interactive lesson every week about what the book talks about (they can read the book if they want, which I recommend). We had a great turn out last week , and we played some fun games to get to know each other. I'm really excited to see them again and learn more about them this Sunday.

This week we're talking about some great stuff - how we (women) were created in God's image and through our hearts He shows a part of himself. Also that God is an amazing artist - while He was putting creation into being it kept getting more intricate and more beautiful - and what did he choose to save for last - what is his final, most beautiful and intricate work? It's WOMAN - WE ARE THE CROWN OF CREATION! Us girls need to hear and know how truly beautiful we are - because mostly we are told we are either "too much" or "not enough" by the media, the men in our lives, our loved ones, etc.

I know that God has big plans for every one of these beautiful girls and women that have joined this journey and I can't wait to see what happens. If you're reading this and you are a high school student, you can still jump in with us - you can even bring a friend or an adult woman to join you. Just show up at 4:00 at GCC - we'll be downstairs in the Great Room! We have a great surprise at the end of the class on Sunday - so don't miss it!


Lindsay Mak said...

i can't come on sunday lanette! i am so upset. i made my mom mad and she told me i couldn't go. it's been a long time since i've been "grounded". i'm gonna go cry now. :***(