Thursday, September 18, 2008

The 2 Best Questions Ever

I read a book that really impacted me with just one powerful question.

"Is this the wise thing to do?"
The book is "The Best Question Ever" by Andy Stanley - it's brilliant, go buy it!

You can apply this situation to absolutely ANY situation in your life - It's simple, it's easy and it works. I've done my best to cement this question into Cody's brain.

So I pick Cody up from football practice the other day and as usual the first thing he does is change my radio station. It landed on U93 and just in time we heard the following wise words from one of the DJ's:

Whenever I'm about to do something,
I ask myself . . .
"Would an idiot do that?"
And if so,
I do not do that thing!

We laughed and laughed - it really struck us funny, and now we go around the house saying it in a really dumb voice and then we laugh some more. It was a perfect back up to the best question ever - Is this the wise thing to do".

So next time you're deciding what to have for dinner, whether to pay a utility bill or buy a big screen TV, or whether to tell a lie to cover your butt, just ask yourself the TWO best questions ever and I promise you'll get immediate clarity!