Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Teaching Moment

So I've had a week now of laying/sitting around to do lots of thinking. I've been asking God, "what do you want me to take away from this", and here's what I know so far:

  • I am learning a whole new compassion and patience for people who live in pain. I've always been a little impatient with people who are sick all the time or who are in pain (sorry Mom). I am sure this will help me be a more sympathetic and understanding person.
  • When the fear inside me rises and I start thinking about all the "what if's" - what if I have a tumor, what if I never can walk again, what if my nerves are damaged forever, what if I never get to play tennis again . . . It has given me the faith in God to know that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be and that I can handle anything that happens to me as long as I trust Him.
  • I have been getting lots of studying done for Life Coaching school and am convinced that this time to relax, reflect and learn is definitely going to help me in my classes and my certification. I have never read or studied so much, and I'm learning a lot!
  • I will laugh at the funny things about this, like Trent pushing me around CVS in a wheel chair and the ridiculous way I have to stand like a Flamingo on one leg when I'm up and around.

I believe that EVERY SINGLE THING that happens in our lives can be used to teach us something, so I am going to try to continue to have a positive attitude through this and learn as much as I can.


Jeanna said...

Glad to hear you are still being your wonderful, positive self :)

Love you and I'm praying for you!