Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Help - I'm frustrated!

I haven't been blogging because I lost my entire side bar page and have no idea why it's not showing up - the picture, my links, archives. etc.

Does anyone know how I can fix it?



Anonymous said...

Hey Lanette! I havent talked to you in a long time how are you doing!? Good I hope. Have you seen the Pics from the Oct India trip...Man I miss India! About your dilemma I was having problems too and switched to the beta.blogger. Its a lot easier to use! It keeps all your blog info and the same blog address..its just an updated version. There is a link at the blogger sign in screen.

Anonymous said...

Your sidebar is actually still there, its just waaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom...

The last blog with the picture from the October team was too wide so it shifted everything down.

Hope all is well - miss seeing you...

Anonymous said...

Hey, long time no see! Thank you for that encouraging comment. I need more people like you in my life. I was wondering in my head why my heart went out to animals so much. It's exciting to think I could mix my relationship with Jesus and my love for animals and maybe someday do something great. By the way... I MISS YOU! It's been too long :)