Friday, July 21, 2006

Heroes of the Faith: Sam and Jayanthi Sam

I found this wonderful picture and story on the India 2005 blog.

"This is Sam and Jayanthi Sam, a husband/wife church planter team who have spent the last few years successfully planting 6 churches in Tamil Nadu, which is where our team is going in just 3 weeks.

While Sam works for the government, Jayanthi pastors the teams of pastors who work in the churches they have planted. In addition, they also have 3 teen-aged children who are working with the church plants as well, thus successfully employing every member of their family in the church planting effort.

Sam and Jayanthi Sam participated in GCC's PD training over the past few years and they said that it was only through that that their concepts of women in ministry had been revolutionized. Before PD, Sam was the only one who worked in the planting effort. Jayanthi Sam, however, was not allowed to participate. However, after GCC enhanced PD training, they both realized that Jayanthi Sam should be liberated to do ministry with her husband. Now she actively engages in the ministry with her husband, and has helped all of their children to engage as well."

How cool is that?! These are the kinds of women that my team will be serving when we go to India in 3 weeks. These are women who are becoming revolutionized and are starting a revolution! This totally goes in line with what God has called me to do - with students and now with women half way across the world who are standing up for what they believe in and changing the world.

Bring it on! I'm ready to be part of that revolution in India and I can't wait to meet the awesome woman that I will get to stand beside, support, and encourage to be a REVOLUTIONARY!!!