Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Getting ready for India

So Monday was "start preparing for India Day". It is just a month away, and even though God has been preparing my heart and mind, there were some physical things that needed to be done to prepare . . . such as . . . SHOTS! YUCK!! It actually wasn't too bad - I only had to have two this time around. I'll go back in a month for another round. I have to have 2 shots of Hepatitus A & B, Tetanus (ow, my arm is really sore today where they gave me that, MMR (already had that - yea!), Typhoid, Malaria and I think something else but I am forgetting it right now. Erin at Dr. Oppman's office was great at giving them to me - she's really good (plus she goes to GCC which is a great bonus)!

Then it was off to "The Taj" to experience Indian food. Jack Magruder directed us all in how to eat in India, and I have to admit, I was HORRIFIED! Now those of you that know me know that I am not a "prissy" kind of girl, but when we had to take the entire plate of food, mix it all together, and then eat it all with one hand, I could not believe how hard that was for me to do. My Mother must have brainwashed me good when I was kid about table manners, because it seriously took me 5 minutes to get up the nerve to put my hand in my plate.

MMMMM - Yummy! Actually, I was pleasantly suprised, the food was really good - really different, but very good. In India you can only eat with your right hand, so I have to practice sitting on my left hand or something so that I don't use it. Also, you NEVER offer your left hand to shake hands.

Why? Because in India they use their left hand to clean up after themselves instead of toilet paper. I know, it's hard to believe, but hey, it's a different culture and I'm sure some of the things we do seem horrifying to them. So, it's VERY important not to use your left hand. I'm so glad that I'm right handed - and for the record, I will not be using my left hand - I am carrying tissue with me at all times!


Lindsay Mak said...

wow, i never knew all that stuff about india. definitely different. there are actually a lot of students at calvin from there. maybe i'll get to know even more when i meet some of them.

amberWIRE said...

Good idea getting all of those vaccines. You're going to love India! I am so excited for you Lanette! God is using you in big ways already...and has more in store!

Corey Mann said...

Hey Lanette, did somebody crap on your plate? I saw the exact same thing during Camp Beautiful in the boy's cluster the toilet. Have fun with that.
