Thursday, May 04, 2006


There is huge change going on in my life right now that has been kind of "under the radar", so I finally want to bring it out into the open so that my friends and family can see where I'm really at.

Last Wednesday (5/3) I turned in this letter to my boss, Corey - not because there is a problem, but because God has been PULLING me to something else, and I know it's time to close this door and jump through the next one that he has open for me. Here's a copy of the letter:

Being on staff at GCC with Lifeline has been one of the true highlights of my life. I have learned and grown in ways that I never could have imagined. I have fallen in love with students and I discovered a passion for mentoring young women. God has stretched me and molded me in this ministry like no other job could have ever done. I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was when I started on staff 3 ½ years ago. God has done some amazing things inside of me.

When I was first hired for the AA position I was so excited to get my “dream job”! I could not picture myself ever doing anything different – but I did not know what God had in store for me and that He was not done with me. What I have come to realize is that this job was not the end of my journey; it was the beginning – a stepping stone to something deeper that God is calling me to.

I don’t fit the AA role very well - I can fake it and get by, but my hearts desire and burning passion is to mentor and help people in a very close and personal relationship. I am not wired to be a “paperwork and detail” person – I am wired for connecting on a deep soul to soul level. My dream, and where I believe God is leading me in the next few years, is to become a catalyst for transformation in people’s lives - to help them discover who God has created them to be and what kind of life God has designed for them. I want to do this by being a certified Life Coach working one-on-one with clients, hosting retreats for young women, working with families, and speaking to women’s groups. I also want to focus a big chunk of my time on my family life while Cody is still home with us.

Please accept my resignation as AA for Lifeline, effective June 3, 2006. It has been a very hard decision that I have not taken lightly – I will miss my GCC staff family terribly - but as the saying goes “if you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat”.

It is my intention to remain highly involved with Lifeline. I would love to be one of the core members of our leadership team, I hope to be able to facilitate a girl’s small group next year, and I would still love to do girl’s events. I am not bowing out of Lifeline, just the AA position. If a job ever opens up that would fit my SHAPE, I would love to be considered for it.

Thank you so much for taking a chance on me 3 ½ years ago – I will always be grateful. I cherish all of the things that I’ve gotten to do, learn and experience over the years by being on staff with Lifeline. What an amazing and wild ride it has been and I will never forget it!

On Mission for Him,

Lanette Rajski

That was a REALLY hard thing to do, but in my heart there is no regret and no question that to get to the point where God is taking me, I have to "get out of the boat" and move to the next thing.

I'm really excited about my next steps. Right now the plan is to take some time off and really put Trent and Cody first. For the first time in our 16 years of marriage, Trent and I will be working toward the same goal, which will be to get his business whipped into shape before he has a heart attack with the stress. As far as Cody goes, he craves my attention and loves to hang out with me, so I am going to enjoy that while I can - he's almost 13, so I really only have a couple of good years left with him at home before he starts driving and getting his own life. During this time I will continue going to my Life Coaching school and working to get my license. Hopefully in about 2 years I will have my own practice up and running. (I'll post more later on Life Coaching).

So, right now it's kind of hard to close the door on this ministry and career that I have loved and worked so hard at, but I am totally confident that I am taking my next step toward where He wants me to be, and that's very exciting!


Lindsay Mak said...


I am so happy for you, but kind of sad too.

I am REALLY glad you'll still stay involved with Lifeline. You've been there as long as me!

Maybe we can be leaders together when I get out of college!

I love you Lanette, and good luck.

Dawn Lovitt said...

I was wondering where your next step was going to take you. I always thought you were more than just an AA for Lifeline. I am sure you will do well. Thanks for sharing your dreams with us. (Anais Nin...remember the quote? How perfect it was for you to post)

aaron dewinter said...

WOW, I had no idea. Although, it doesn't suprise me! You are not one to sit around on the side lines. I totally see you pouring into many lives (as you already have). Please don't be a stranger. I'm so happy for you. Chase the dream and follow the Spirit.