Friday, February 17, 2006

Billboards, Jesus and GCC

Did you know that . . .

Right here in St. Joseph County (not on the other side of the road but right here among our neighbors and friends) there were: (documented by Indiana State Department of Health)

  1. 731 abortions in 2003 (18% teens)
  2. 481 teen pregnancies in 2003
  3. 37% of all births were to unmarried parents
  4. 355 reported cases of AIDS
By age 19, 69% of boys have had sex and 77% of girls have had sex (as reported by the Kinsey Institute)

Porn is destroying people and families: (Family Safe Media)
  1. The largest consumers of internet porn are 12 - 17 year olds
  2. Pornography is a 57$ billion industry annually
  3. Porn revenue is larger than all the combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises
  4. That anyone (including kids) can download porn onto their cell phones or iPods - in fact, the first day it was available one service reported 500,000 downloads of porn videos in the first 24 hours after offering the service.
Christians are affected by porn too? 47% of ALL CHRISTIANS (OK, get that, that's almost HALF) say that pornography is a major problem in the home.

Did you know that . . .

  1. Sex is a beautiful and intimate act that God created for a married man and woman to enjoy and bring them closer to each other and closer to Him?
  2. Pure Sex is not anything to be embarassed or ashamed about - it's only because it's gotten twisted and warped through our culture that it is perceived as bad. It is a God given and God breathed act of intimacy and beauty in it's pure form.
  3. Sex was not meant to be used as an act of trying to fill a void or trying to find your value and worth - Jesus provides all of that for us, not sex.
  4. If Christians don't start standing up and addressing the "taboo" subjects to our friends, family and children there is no hope for our children's future.
  5. There is a group of Christian men and women at Granger Community Church (me being one of them) that is willing to step out of the comfort zone, take extreme criticism from others, and be attacked by other Christians because lost, hurting and broken people matter to Christ and to us. We want to see families and lives restored through the love and grace of Jesus and we will do anything He has called us to do to make that happen.
  6. We don't try to get people to our church who already know Jesus - we're reaching out to the people who have no idea that Jesus can even help them. Isn't that what Jesus did when He was on the earth? He didn't hang out with the "church" people, he went right in and hung out and loved on the "outcasts" and the "broken".

Did you kow that I am proud to be a part of a church that follows Christ and does what the bible says no matter what the cost! Jesus didn't change the world by being conservative and worrying about what people thought, so I'm happy to be following Him and doing exactly what I think He would have done, which is to get in the front lines of battle and fight the hard issues that are destroying people and families.

Click here to see exactly what the point of the GCC SEX billboards around town are all about

Click here here and here to read more about the PURE SEX series coming up.


Anonymous said...

Great post! Well written!