Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Question of the Week:

If you had no limitations,
unlimited resources,
and anything was possible . . .
What would you be doing?

I WANT your feedback!

Leave a comment please!!


Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

EXACTLY what I am doing - with you and our circle - on a grander scale. Coaching women to step fully into their power and beauty; to honor their feminine voice; to strengthen their families; to be all God designed them to be. Yeehah!

Lanette Rajski said...

I would probably be running a retreat center on an island somewhere. A center where women and girls could come to refresh and renew – to connect with God and with themselves. In that retreat setting, I would incorporate service and/or missions work. For example, a retreat center on the ocean in Mexico where people would come to heal and get rid of some of the junk they’re carrying. Part of that healing process would include going into orphanages or places of poverty and serving people who are in need. I believe that in that process of getting away from your every day routine in a beautiful place to connect with God and yourself, combined with pouring yourself out to others and serving them (getting away from thinking all about yourself) that HUGE transformation would take place not just in the person attending the retreat, but also in the community that the people would be serving. Gets me sooooo excited just thinking about it!!!!