Sunday, November 16, 2008

Easy ways to fight a cold or flu bug

Saturday afternoon I was visiting with my Aunt and Uncle and out of the blue I felt something just hit me. By the time I got home I was in the middle of the full out chilly willy's, a neckache, headache - the whole nine yards! Where in the world did that come from? I took some Emergen-C, got some more water down, and got in bed and expected to be down for the weekend.

I woke up 2 hours later and couldn't believe it - I felt so much better. 2 years ago I was sick every other week (no exageration) and now I can fight it off in 2 hours? Wow. Now, I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that our bodies are designed to naturally fight off "bugs", and with just a little bit of effort BEFORE you get sick, you can be so much healthier!

Here's some easy and effective ways to fight those nasty bugs BEFORE you get sick:

#1 - Soap and water
Most colds are transmitted the hands. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are less effective than ordinary soap. So good old fashioned soap and water is best. If you doing nothing else, do this.

#2 – Drink LOTS of water
And I mean LOTS. Water helps your body work like it’s suppose to work. PLUS it flushes the lymphatic system and helps carry the yucky stuff out of your body. It’s important to stay hydrated too.

#3 - Exercise
Just 30 minutes of brisk walking most days can pay off. Exercise increases immune cells in the blood stream. I read once that if you exercise 4 days a week it’s the equivalent to taking the flu shot. treadmill.

#4 - Fruits and veggies
Carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach and broccoli are packed with immune-boosting carotenoids. Dried fruit, such as raisins and blueberries, may also be helpful.

#5 - Vitamin C
You can get vitamin C through oranges, tomatoes and other natural sources. When I feel something coming on I love a product called Emergen-C. It’s just a little packet you put in water and it tastes yummy! Works every time! You can pick it up in just about any pharmacy or grocery store now.

#6 - Green tea
Green tea is full of antioxidants (which even though it’s hard to spell, are good things). The antioxidants in green tea are said to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C. Plus, what’s better than sitting down to a good, warm cup of tea?

#7 - Sleep
When people don't get enough sleep, the body's T lymphocytes, which help destroy infections, don't work as well. So, make sure you have a healthy sleeping pattern to keep your immunity up.

#8 – Avoid Germs
Use the little wipey things at the grocery store and wipe off the grocery cart, use your own pen, don’t touch door knobs and hand rails (I pull my sleeve down and use my coat or sweater sleeve). I know it can seem a little compulsive, but really it’s just smart! Don’t get too stressed out and go overboard – stress is proven to compromise your immune system!

#9 - Multi-vitamin and OPC-3
Ever since I started taking these 2 simple products, my immune system has been amazing! They're liquid vitamins that are isotonics (they go directly in your blood stream), so there's no swallowing a big pill and you know it's going where it's suppose to (not in the bottom of the toilet like you read about other vitamins). They are the best and I HIGHLY recommend them! Click here for more info.

#10 - Live Happy!
Living a life of joy and a positive attitude is a HUGE part of living a healthy life, so do everything you can to live happy and it will pay off!