Monday, July 07, 2008

The Shack

We just got back from 4th of July vacation up at Silver Lake. One of my FAVORITE things to do is read when I'm up there, and I came prepared. I brought a huge bag of books - all kinds of books - study books for coaching, parenting, magazines, health and wellness, a novel or two . . . I'm kind of a moody reader - I never know what I'm going to be in the mood for, so I bring everything! I seriously couldn't even lift the bag into the truck, Trent had to do it for me.

Soooo, when we went through Holland and I sweetly asked, "Could we stop at Barnes and Noble"?, Trent thought I was kidding, but I wasn't. I was on a mission to get "The Shack". Trent pulled in and I went in and got it. I started reading it immediately in the truck and it got me at the first page.

I can't really tell you what it's about cuz I don't want to ruin the surprise, but let's just say that this is one of those books that has marked my life and changed the way I think about a lot of stuff. I feel much more at peace in my life, in my relationship and with God. I believe that everyone on this planet should read this book. It is a fiction story, but I've really never read anything like it.

The story is about a grown man who has suffered great tragedy as a child and as an adult - he is in severe pain. He gets a note in his mailbox from God to meet him at "The Shack" - there, Mack's perception of God is forever and completely changed.

The book is a quick read, but I never pulled out another book the whole vacation. I just kept reading and re-reading, learning something new every time I did. All those other books I brought never made it out of the bag! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET - GO GET IT AND READ IT NOW!!!

Some of my favorite quotes from "The Shack":

Of all the places he sensed the presence of God, out here surrounded by nature and under the stars was one of the most tangible. He could almost hear the song of worship they sang to their Creator, and in his reluctant heart he joined in as best he could.

God has never needed evil to accomplish his good purposes. It is you humans who have embraced evil and God has responded with Goodness . . . Give up being His judge and know Him for who He is. Then you will be able to embrace His love in the midst of your pain, instead of pushing Him away with your self centered perception of how you think the universe should be.

God Speaking:

"When all you can see is your pain, perhaps then you lose sight of me . . . pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly . . . and if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."

"I don't need to punish people for sin. Sin is its own punishment, devouring you from the inside. It's not my purpose to punish it; it's my joy to cure it!"

"I just want you to be with me and discover that our relationship is not about performance or you having to please me. . . I am good and I desire only what is best for you. You cannot find that through guilt or condemnation or coercion, only through a relationship of love. And I do love you."

"When I dwell with you I do so in the present - I live in the present, not in the past. And for sure I do not dwell in the future you visualize or imagine. Do you realize that your imagination of your future, which is almost always dictated by fear of some kind, rarely, if ever, pictures me there with you? " "Why Do I do that", asked Mack. "You try and play God imagining the evil that you fear becoming reality, and then you try and make plans and contingencies to avoid what you fear." Mack asked "so why do I have so much fear in my life?" "Because you don't believe. You don't know that we love you."

"This whole thing is a process, not an event. All I want from you is to trust me with what little you can, and grow in loving people around you with the same love I share with you. It's not your job to change them. You are free to love without an agenda."

"Just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering, you will find grace in many facets and colors."

"If I take away the consequences of people's choices, I destroy the possibility of love. Love that is forced is not love at all. You demand your independence, but then complain that I actually love you enough to give it to you."

"I've been talking to you for a long time, but today was the first time you could hear it. "

"Each choice ripples out through time and relationships, bouncing off of other choices. And out of what seems to be a huge mess, God weaves a magnificent tapestry."


Anonymous said...

Thank you Lanette! I appreciate you so much. I'm so thankful to God for depositting His precious treasure in the earth IN YOU!! I love you my friend! Kim Stewart