Monday, June 09, 2008


My beloved child, you are My messenger sent to deliver love and peace to the world.

You need no title, no uniform. Your title is Beloved Child of God, and your uniform is whatever you happen to be wearing. You need no badge. Your life is your badge.

I would like to fill your heart so it no longer aches for you know not what. I do understand that your heart aches for more. I would ask you to tell me what your heart aches for, yet I know what your heart aches for is deeper than the thoughts that might come to your mind.

Where can the answer be? You already conceive that the answer does not lie outside My beloved children, and yet access to the inside seems to be blocked. Otherwise, every soul on Earth would be dancing for joy.

It must seem like a huge task for My beautiful children to look for fulfillment within. Where would you start - Where exactly is within? How do you get there, and how do you stay there?

Well, then, let's start on the outside. Find an ocean to look at. Find an ocean to plunge in. If you don't have an ocean near you, find a forest. Or find the stars! Find a reflection of the sun on a leaf. Or find one Human face that melts your heart.

If you are confined and cannot even look outside a window, then find a picture. Find an artist's rendition or a photograph.

Find a picture of a baby within your heart, and watch what happens.

What happens is that you return to innocence and leave judgment behind you, which is just where judgment belongs, so then innocence can stay with you always.

Then, My beloveds, you will begin to deliver love and peace to the world.

Love, God