Saturday, June 03, 2006

Some of my favorite students!

Here are some of my FAVORITE students in the whole world! They are all seniors and will be heading off to college in the fall. I have SO enjoyed my time with them and have loved every minute of watching them "grow up" over the years. I can't wait to see what's next for them.
I don't have a picture of my Lindsey - the one we took didn't turn out - so I'll post one from Chick Nite shortly and tell you more about her.
This is Ryan McGann - a Penn Graduate. I had the privilege of going on a mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico with him and he cracked us up the whole time. Even to this day, whenever we go over a speed bump Cody yells out "Tope" (you had to be there to know what that's all about. Ryan is going to Purdue and doing something amazing with robotics - he's really smart!

This is Jim Ralstin - also a Penn graduate. I have had some great times with Jim - we've gone on a mission trip together, I got to attend his Eagle Scout ceremony and I also was proud to witness his Senior exit project (which was excellent by the way)! If I had a daughter, this is the kid I would want her to marry! Jim is off to Bethel college this fall and he's thinking about coming back to Lifeline to be a leader - that would be awesome!

This is Albert Lacey (his sister Elizabeth is on the left, but she's not a senior - I get to keep her around for a couple more years). Albie went to Monterrey, Mexico with us last year and was an amazing part of the team. I'm so glad I had that experience with him. Albert is a computer and techie genius kind of guy - he already has his own business, so I think that he is pursuing that instead of college. This kid is amazing!


Lindsay Mak said...

you shoulda asked for a pic. i have a million of me. haha!