Friday, June 23, 2006

My other babies

Just wanted to show you some recent pictures of my other babies.

CJ, our golden retriever who is the best dog in the world. Except for when I have to go pull him out of the river because he's swimming around with the ducks eating all the bread the neighbor kids are trying to feed the ducks with. I think he has a food addiction - how embarrassing!

The other picture is of Teddy, our cat who is just about a year old. He is the coolest and strangest cat. Every morning and sometimes at night after dinner Trent, CJ and I go for a walk. Well, Teddy must have gotten jealous because now he walks with us - it is hilarious, he thinks he's a dog or something and jogs right next to us. Last night we went for a boat ride and he stood out at the end of the dock crying and meowing because he wanted to go. I've never heard of a cat that would get anywhere near water like that.

God is so great to give us animals that become part of our family and fill us with such joy - what a blessing!