Thursday, April 27, 2006

Undefeated . . . so far

Some of you know that I LOVE to play tennis (and if you didn't, you know now). I took the sport up late in life, I started about 6 years ago. Since then I have played off and on on leagues, but just recently I started playing competitive singles in a league on Thursday mornings, and let me tell you, it was a stretch - I had never played singles before and it is TOUGH!

The first season I played I got my bootie kicked all over the place - it was very sad. The second season, I made some improvement and started holding my own. This season, my third, I decided to get really serious and bring my average up. Well, we are almost done with the season and I AM UNDEFEATED - can you believe it?!

So I have 3 more players in the league to battle and they are all very, very good. I'm excited to see if I can remain undefeated today. Before I always went for fun and exercise (did you know you can burn off 650 calories from playing an hour and a half of hard tennis?) - but now I just want to win! I'll let you know what happens.