Thursday, April 17, 2008

Little Orange Kittys For Everyone!

Last night I had the WEIRDEST (and most disturbing) dream. There was one funny part though. I dreamed I all of a sudden showed up at a friends house that's a few hours away. I didn't know how I'd gotten there or anything. My cat Petey (pictured at left) was there but instead of being all grown up he was a kitten and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Come to find out I had been missing and wandering around with amnesia for YEARS.

Here's the funny part - in an effort to show support and love to me, instead of tying ribbons around trees, all of my friends went out and bought little orange kittys to show support and hope that I would one day return! That is hilarious to me!! (So Debbie, if I come up missing maybe Corey will let you get a cat).

Does anyone have ANY idea what this dream could mean? It's so crazy!

If I was missing who would love me enough to get a little orange kitty?


Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

i am not a cat lover, but if YOU were missing I would have a little orange kitty if that would bring you safely home! I have often said that if I were going to study again, it would be dream analysis. I think it is faxcinating and I NEVER remember mine.