Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My prayer today

Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thank You, God, for children—Your vision of greater good in the world.

Children—what a blessing they are in my life. From their innocence, purity, freedom, and guileless natures, I learn to take one day, one moment, at a time.

Children are my guides through the maze of life’s mysteries. I bless these wonderful miracles in my life, children who are my teachers, my reminders that each moment can be a new beginning.
Wherever they are, whatever they are doing, these young ones are growing, learning, and adapting to the environment in which they live. Giving thanks for all children, I appreciate them as God’s vision for greater good in the world.

“But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s children.”—Deuteronomy 4:9

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Do you ever have one of those days where you have so much to say but you don't know how to get it out of your mouth into a form that anyone can understand?

I'm having one of those days . . . no, I'm having one of those months.

So that's it . . . for now.

Friday, September 21, 2007

If I can just deal with life and allow God to use those dealings to transform me into the right person - the EXPLOSIVE person, the person with GUN POWDER in my veins . . .

Then the noise I make will be worth hearing.

The fire that is seen in my life will scorch the room.

The substance of my life will pierce the hearts of those around me, and where I stand . . .

I will always leave a mark!

(From "FlashBang - How I Got Over Myself" by Mark Steele)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Grissom Wins!

Cody #62 - Defensive End

Cody goin after the Quarterback

T.J. Bayer SCORE!

Jeff Laidig SCORE!

Jamil Davis SCORE!

Today's Daily Word - Saturday, September 15, 2007
Let Go, Let God

I live life inspired, whole, and free. What a comfort it is to know that I can let go and let God lead me in all matters and in all that matters.

What I am releasing is the mistaken belief that I need to direct and control all the various aspects of my life. What I am accepting is the greater good that is emerging and unfolding.

With God leading the way, I am free of all fear and doubt. My trust in God strengthens me with the resolve to live my life fully.

What is in store for me this day and in the days ahead? I may not have all the details just yet, but there is no doubt that the light of God shines brightly in and through me. I am ready and eager to step forward into a life of inspired living.

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.”—Jeremiah 29:11-12

From The Daily Word

Monday, September 17, 2007

My New Journey . . .

3 weeks ago I was just minding my own business, winding down the summer and looking forward to working on my Life Coaching practice this fall (which, by the way, is going really well), when out of nowhere – BAM! – God grabs me and points me in an entirely different direction.

Well, it wasn’t exactly an ENTIRELY different direction, it was a path I’ve been on before and thought that God was finished with.

Are you sitting down?! I've agreed to accept the job of Youth Director at Waypoint Community Church in Middlebury. I will be working with some of my favorite people in the whole entire world, Blair and Tracy Carlstrom - Blair is a new pastor there.

I will still be doing my life coaching practice, and I will also do the youth job for one year (it’s a temporary gig). It’s really cool because with my life coaching I am specializing in family and relationship work, so the 2 fit hand in hand. Eventually I'm hoping to incorporate family work into the ministry too.

The beauty of this is that the youth ministry is very important to Waypoint and has been very successful, so I have incredible support. Blair and I will be working together with middle school and high school students to help them connect with God and with each other – it will be focused all around relationship, connection and every day things they are dealing with. Instead of preaching at them, we will raise a topic and ask questions so they can talk it out. I will get to use everything that I learned in coaching school and apply it to youth ministry. Funny how God does things like that! It's so awesome!

My good friend Judy Gregory summed it up for me and really helped give me the confidence to take this on (thanks Judy!):

"Lanette, you belong in youth ministry. You have the passion and the drive. As an AA, you were in the right department, just the wrong position. I think you came away with a whole lot of great memories from the experience, but a few scars too. I just think you needed a little time to heal in between, so that God could redeem it all. Even if you do nothing beyond being yourself, you are going to do and be incredible!"

I am so grateful for this new direction and new journey and can’t wait to see what God is going to do!

Pics from youth group

This is Petey - my new baby cat!

Since my cat Teddy dumped me and moved in at the neighbors house, my incredibly sweet and kind hubby brought me a new baby home last week to take care of.

I LOVE him! He really is a good kitty. I still am heartbroken that Teddy left me, but this is helping me get over the rejection.

My niece Airiana

Look at how ADORABLE my niece Airiana is. She's such a little princess and I LOVE HER!