Monday, January 22, 2007

One Punk Under God - Jay Bakker

I've been a HUGE fan of Jay Bakker ever since I had the privilege of hearing him speak at the Youth Specialties Conference a couple of years ago. That was the night that I witnessed, in person for myself, a bunch of religious people who would not hear the truth about Jesus and what he came to teach us. Jay told the truth about love, grace and acceptance, from the scriptures, and people actually stood up and booed him and yelled at him. (Now keep in mind, these were people in youth ministry from all over the country whose job it is to teach our children about love and Jesus).

Jay didn't back down, didn't get angry and just told the truth in love. I was AWESTRUCK and that moment marked my life. I believe a lot of people's lives were changed that night.

I also got the chance to meet him and spend a few minutes with him when he came to speak at Lifeline a couple of years ago, and to be honest, I've always wanted to take a road trip to visit his church that is held in a bar. Yes, that's right, a BAR - HOW COOL IS THAT?! Maybe someday I'll get to do that.

Jay had a 6 episode documentary done on him and his family on the Sundance Channel and it is AWESOME! If you have Comcast Digital Cable, you HAVE to see this. All you do is go to On Demand, TV Entertainment, Sundance Channel, and you can view all 6 episodes for free. It was so eye opening and I learned to love and appreciate Jay even more. For more info: click here: