Friday, October 13, 2006

Save me from my religious friend!

This is an article I saw in the South Bend Tribune on 9/24/06 and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it - take a look and give me some feedback on your thoughts:

Save me from my religious friend

I've been friends with "Jenny" for 10 years. We met in our early 20's when we were both newly married. Jenny and her husband moved an hour away five years ago and we don’t see them often, but Jenny and I talk on the phone.

The problem is that Jenny has found Jesus. She goes to church twice a week, listens to religious music and studies the Bible constantly. She hasn’t joined a cult or anything; it’s a mainstream religion. I’m glad she's happy in her faith. But she'll often invite me to bible studies or religious rock concerts. Every time we talk, she'll go on about a lesson from the bible she's studying.

When "The Passion of the Christ" came out, she invited me because her church had told members to "bring an unsaved friend". I resented her thinking of me in those terms.

But I'm more annoyed by her casual approaches to convert me. When she invites me places, she says something like "I've got and extra ticket and thought you might want to come" or "We’re studying Revelation and I thought you might be interested". I’m not interested, but I don"t know how to tell her without hurting her feelings or making her think even more that I'm headed for hell.
Plus, I wonder if she thinks of me as a friend anymore or just a soul that needs saving.

Is there any way to get her to stop bugging me without hurting her feelings or ruining our friendship?

Hell of a Friend

Friends, this is someone here in the Michiana area, not in another town. Are they one of my friends, or one of your friends? Is it you? The part that strikes me the most is the part that says she resented being referred to as an "unsaved friend" - I can understand that - I wouldn't like that either.

This article is making me think . . . alot. Hmmmmm . . .


Leann said...

there is a story of a man who lived his walk and didn,t talk it.he just lived his faith never said the name of Jesus to his co workers just lived day one of the mens lives fell apart and he was looking for some to talk to.he thought who?he thought of all his friends and thought no they are as messed up as Iam!! so he thought again.then he remembered the guy who worked next to him.he was always going though things that were hard but yet he had this peace about the man desided he would look the guy up and ask him what he had.he went to his address and knocked on the door.and when the man answered the door ,he said what do you have that gives you so much peace.the man said come in and I will tell you.the moral to the story is religen will chase people off but the Holy Spirit will bring those right to you who want to hear.could it be the person you were talking about is doing it by her self?if so she will drive people away.cause she has zell but no wisdom!!you don,t have to beat people over the head with the Lord you just need to live it around them.that is how I got saved.two people came up and said "you need Jesus in your life and healed my father in law with their faith filled that is how you get people saved.they will run to Jesus thats what I see religon isn,t what saves you its a personal relationship with Jesus that does.religon is a poor sudstatued.I ran from religous people for years they make me sick.they beat around the bush and don,t just say hey you need Jesus.simple is better."how to get your religous friends off your back."get saved".if you don,t like your life get born again."I love Jesus more and more every day.I been walking with him for 37 years and he just keeps getting better and better.he healed me of cancer and has broght me thourgh more hard times then I can shake a stick at.and he just keeps helping me learn.I have just et the Lord lead and get to talk to the ons who are ready.the others he has to work on.I like your blog I will check it out more later.God bless you and give you the peace that helps others want what you have.