Friday, June 19, 2009

A new addition to our family . . . Esther

This is Esther Araputha Raj - she's 11 years old and lives in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. We became aware of her need to be sponsored thru my friends Rob and Michelle Wegner who are in India right this very minute! Isn't she beautiful??!!!

Esther lives in a village named Erode - through Compassion International anyone can sponsor a child in need for only $40 a month. For $40 you can provide education, 3 nutritious meals a day, birthday parties, clothing, and best of all the love and light of Jesus.

Rob and Michelle went to visit their Compassion daughter, Sangeetha 2 days ago and their story is incredible! Check it out here - the story and photos are amazing. This is their 2nd visit - and this time they couldn't wait to see ALL of Sangeetha's family. When they pulled out some little gifts for her siblings, they had a gift for her little brother. The Wegner's were shocked and saddened to find out that he had died almost exactly 1 year prior from "brain fever".

Sangeetha was sponsored . . . Kannan was not. Sponsorship probably would have saved his life. A sacrifice of just $40 a month truly can be the difference between life and death.

To sponsor a child, or two or five . . . go to Compassion International and click on sponsor a child. There are a few children left in Sangeetha and Esther's village that still need sponsors. If you want to sponsor them just ask for a child in Erode, India.

To read about Rob and Michelle's month long journey in India - click HERE!