Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wellness Wednesday - "Tips For Beating The Workday Blues"

In winter's gray and cold days, the midday work blues can hit hard. If you feel tired or unmotivated during the day, try these pick me up tips from
  1. Drink some green tea - it's small amount of caffeine will give you a boost AND it's antioxidants will help protect you from some chronic conditions, like heart disease and diabetes.

  2. Take a walk to get the blood pumping to your heart and brain. A walk outside will also activate Vitamin D in your body and improve mood.

  3. Munch on a snack rich in protein, NOT sugar! A sugar high comes with a subsequent sugar low, so try something else like a slice of whole wheat toast with honey, a handful of nuts and raisins, yogurt and granola, or hummus.

  4. Take a moment to stand up and stretch. Focus on the muscles in your shoulders, neck and upper back. Breathe deeply as you stretch, inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly.

Doubtful that these healthy tricks work? I PROMISE you they do!

For one week put these in place instead of grabbing a Starbucks or eating a candy bar and you will notice a HUGE difference in your mood, your energy level AND your pocket book!

Take the challenge and just try it for a week!

Live Happy! Lanette