Friday, February 13, 2009

Great advice from my good friend Donna

My good friend Donna Houghton wrote this. Read it 2 or 3 times and let it really sink in. Print it off and read it at the dinner table or hang it up on your bathroom mirror. I couldn't have said it better myself - It's great stuff - Thanks Donna!

"I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I don't know why faithful, hardworking people are losing their jobs, their retirement, their security. I know it appears as if there are no answers, but I do know this......There is one plan, one Creator, one heart, one source of everything....and He is not surprised by any of this.

We've all heard the saying when God closes one door, he opens another. I believe we will soon know what the other door is. It may not look anything like the door we're used to, but there will be another door. What's behind the new door may be less than what we had before, it may look alot different, we may not initially like it as well as what we had before, but then again........What if it's better??

What if we learn to view our friends and neighbors differently? What if we remember how hard we struggled, and now remember to help others? What if we spend less and save more? Maybe now we won't take things for granted. Maybe what we have IS, actually enough. Maybe we don't need the latest....everything.

We may learn it is ok if our kids don't get everything they want, the minute they want it. I have a feeling our current WANTS, will not necessarily be our NEEDS. Maybe we all need to clean house a little bit and give some of our excess to those less fortunate. It is not a time to hoard, it is a time to give.

Giving doesn't have to consist of money. Give a smile, a wave, a text msge to a friend who needs encouraging, a job referral, a dinner, a prayer. Instead of blaming the banks, the goverment, a former employer, let's help each other.

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth. Has there ever been a better time than now?"


Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

Amen sister! Beautiful and timely words for all of us to live by! Thanks for the wake up and pay attention reminder. Thanks, Lanette, for passing it on! Hugs!