Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wellness Wednesday - "What Makes Super Foods Super?"

You've probably heard the term "Super Food", right, but have you wondered to yourself "what the heck is a Super Food and why should you eat it? Well, if you read today's post, I promise you will have a NEW outlook on Superfoods. In fact, I'd be willing to be that you'll be heading out to the grocery store to pick a few up!

You don't have to eat every single Super Food on the list, just pick out a couple of them that you enjoy and add them into your diet.

Tomatoes - Now you can have your salsa and eat it too!

  1. Tomatoes contains 40% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C
  2. Tomatoes help the body naturally produce carnitine, and amino acid that helps burn fat
  3. The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant (antioxidants are amazing things - you definitely want them in your body - click HERE for more info).
  4. Tomatoes are also full of the well known antioxidant betacarotene – these antioxidants help cut the risk of prostate cancers, and acts as an inhibitor to the growth of lung, breast and endometrial cancer cells

Turkey - Not just for Thanksgiving!

  1. 1 four ounce serving of turkey provides 65.1% of the daily recommended value of protein (click HERE to find out why protein is important)
  2. Contains the trace mineral Selenium and the cancer protective nutrient Niacin
  3. Fights Cancer! Research shows a strong inverse correlation between selenium intake and cancer growth occurrences

Oats - Yep, that means oatmeal AND oatmeal cookies!

  1. Oats are the seeds of several cereal grains
  2. Oats-Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol - they are very high in fiber which is very good for you and helps you feel more full
  3. Add oat bran to any batter to add fiber and lower the Glycemic Load (click HERE for more info)

Walnuts – Go ahead, add 'em into your chocolate chip cookies so there's something healthy in there!

  1. 1/4 C provides 90.8% of the daily recommended value of the essential omega 3 fatty acids
    Omega 3’s offer cardiovascular protection, the promotion of better cognitive function
  2. Walnuts have anti-inflammatory benefits that are helpful in asthma, arthritis and skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis

Blueberries – Put a bag in the freezer and eat them frozen, it's so yummy!

  1. Blueberries are filled with antioxidants called anthocyanins that lower the risk of heart disease and cancer
  2. Fresh blueberries contain 15 different anthocyanins plus Vitamin C

Broccoli - Now you know why your Mom always told you to eat your broccoli

  1. Cancer fighter – especially prostate
  2. When the body digests veggies like broccoli, it produces a plant derived checmjical that inhibits the growth of human cancer cells
  3. Broccoli has been proven to protect against tumor and cancer at multiple organ sites

Pumpkin – OK you can count sweet potatoes and other squash too

  1. Pumpkin is full of phytonutrients which help to keep skin young and prevent skin damage from UV rays
  2. Seeds of pumpkins are a good source of zinc and cucurbitacins, which are minerals that have been know to protect against prostate enlargement

Yogurt – Throw some blueberries in it and it's a yummy dessert or snack!

  1. Excellent source of calcium, phosphorous, riboflavin-vitamin B2, iodine, Vitamin B12, panthotenic acide-Vitamin B5, zinc, potassium and protein
  2. Research shows that yogurt containing live bacterial cultures may help you live longer and reinforce your immune system

Green or Black Tea – My FAV! Try a cup of this for an afternoon pick me up, PLUS it's cheaper than Starbucks!

  1. Drinking tea has been proven to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by helping to keep the body’s arteries smooth and clog free
  2. Tea contains antioxidants that protect your body from aging and the effects of pollution
  3. Tea increases metabolism
  4. Increases the body’s immune defenses to fight off infection

Oranges – I know, you already knew this one, right?

  1. Excellent source of Vitamin C, which is the primary water soluble antioxidant in the body
  2. Vitamin C is vital for the proper functioning of a healthy immune system and is good for preventing colds and recurrent ear infections
  3. 1 orange provides 92.9% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C

Salmon – Now you have a reason to order Salmon at Outback instead of a steak!

  1. Excellent source of protein
  2. Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which can help prevent wrinkles in the skin, prevention of Alzheimers, arthritis, depression, colon and breast cancer.
  3. Has protective effects on the heart and helps lower the risk of cardiac related death

Soy – It's not nearly as bad as you think - try the Silk Chocolate Milk, it's the best

  1. Soy can help prevent heart disease and cancer
  2. Low fat and low cholesterol diets that include soy protein decrease coronary heart disease by lower blood cholesterol levels
  3. Soy foods offer bone protection and lessens menopause symptoms

Beans – Fire up some chili this weekend - add turkey instead of beef and you've got 3 super foods! (turkey, tomatoes, beans)

  1. The compound found in beans have been shown to prevent normal cells from turning cancerous and inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells
  2. Lowers cholesterol
  3. Reduces risk of diabetes


Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

I am SO excited to discover that I LOVE every one of the superfoods! thanks for the list and ways to incorporate them in our eating.