Tuesday, June 24, 2008

25 Ways to Love Your Kids

25 Ways You Can Love Your Kids

  1. Laugh and play with them

  2. View them as beautiful and magnificent human beings instead of thinking of them as a pain in the you know what. They can feel what you think about them.

  3. Believe in them and support them in everything they do. If you believe they are great and can do great things they will rise up to it. But if you call them stupid or say they are lazy, they will lower themselves to it. Words have the power or life or death.

  4. Always talk more about the things they do right, rather than the things they do "wrong" (which maybe even aren't wrong, just different from us)

  5. Send them a text

  6. Listen when they talk - remember what they said

  7. Maintain eye contact with them

  8. Be interested in them

  9. Ask their views on things

  10. When they're telling you something, don't always jump to conclusions and think the worst. Stay calm, listen, and let them finish what they're saying.

  11. Offer to help them with a struggle or challenge (make sure you do what they ask - don't drop the ball)

  12. Pray with them

  13. Ask for their help

  14. Ask how their day is going

  15. Give them credit in public for a job well done

  16. Give them real responsibilities and then let them do it their way

  17. Give them room to fail (ouch)

  18. Give them the tools to succeed

  19. Be honest ALWAYS

  20. Say "I love you", and really mean it!

  21. Be vulnerable before you ask them to be vulnerable

  22. Smile at them

  23. Be excited to see them

  24. Let them be their own person, not the person you would like them to be

  25. Don't put your own "stuff" on them - it's not theirs, don't make them carry it

Cody and I are butting heads - BIG TIME! He's growing up and I get that, but does he have to do it all at once?! It's happening so fast. It's like the day he graduated 8th grade he completely grew into a man (and he looks like it too!). Today I was looking for something else and I found this list that I used to have pinned to my board by my desk when I worked at GCC, so I thought I would share it. It's a great reminder! I added some of my own that I've learned along the way.