Monday, March 03, 2008

How to Choose What to Weed Out

Check out this site to help get control of your crazy busy life!

Here's an excerpt from the site that I found helpful today:

How to Choose What To Weed Out

A reader who is a productivity trainer by profession sent in this tip:
"As a mom, wife and business owner I find myself having to weed things out of my life from time to time in order to stay balanced.

In those cases, I've had the best success by asking myself what my natural child - the part of me that is curious and delighted by life - would like to do.

I haven't regretted one of those decisions yet."

This is a great way to start thinking about what you would keep in your life - and weed out - if you wanted to simplify things.


Scott Booker said...

Weird....the way that it is worded...makes me think that I should give up the things my inner child wants to do. That doesnt sound like much fun. Maybe I am just reading it wrong.

But it is a good weed certain things out. I get overwhelmed a lot with LIFE.

Nice to meet ya!

Lanette Rajski said...

Interesting . . . I took it as listening to what your inner child WANTS to do and then moving forward from there (weeding out what doesn't sound fun). Anyway, that's what I would recommend, because you're right - it doesn't sound like much fun the other way! :0)

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Scott Booker said...

Phew!!! Ok...we will do it your way! LOL Going to go play with my silly putty and slinky and eat some PEZ.